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Enterprise Architecture, Finance and other random musings.
Labels: IT Strategy, Value for Money
I recently came across a post from Harry Pierson from Microsoft questioning the received wisdom that Services should be stateless. Harry makes a valid point that any meaningful business process has state and goes on to deduce that this implies that services should have state too.
I think Harry is missing the crucial point here by implicitly conflating business process and service state. In a good SOA ( and by good I mean one which delivers on the key promise of loose coupling), business processes indeed have state - they will be meaningless otherwise. However, there is a difference between process and service state.
In my view process state should not creep into services as this makes it difficult to replace service implementations over time and can lead to tight coupling in architectures. Ideally process state should be held in an intermediate metadata layer that forms part of the SOA infrastructure ( insert your favourite 3 letter flavour-of-the-month acronym in this sentence at this point - ESB being a prime candidate).
Service state is a different issue though. I think good SOA architectures should ensure that service state is kept inside the boundary and only exposed through contracts. This way, the service can truly deliver on the promise of being an independent blob of functionality that is independent of the context in which it is used. If this isn't the case in a specific instance, I would question the value in creating an SOA architecture.
To illustrate the point imagine a service that manages customers in any organisation. A CustomerManagement service in what I would see as good design would support an operation to return the status of a customer and would allow non specific states of the entity it manages to be tracked. For example, it may provide methods to change the state of a customer entity from enabled to disabled and have methods to return the current status. Note that such interactions cause the underlying entity to change state across all the processes that may be using the service. However, this still leads to loosely coupled architectures as the complete maintenance of this state lies inside the service so any change to state is only available to other servces through defined contracts.
Now consider an AddCustomer business process. In an organisation this may require a 3 day process that uses 3 manual steps including calls to the CustomerManagement Service above. Obviously keeping the state of this process inside a service makes it difficult to modify the process in the future - that is why the whole suite of BPM type tools ( including Microsoft's own Biztalk) exists. Typically one would model this process not in a service but as as some sort of orchestration using multiple services. The SOA infrastructure would manage the state of the process while the servces themselves would manage business state of the associated entities as indicated above.
This has gone on a bit but I think it is a crucial point which I summarise here in the form of some architecture principles :
- Services should only have state that is exposed through well defined contracts and makes sense in an Enterprise wide, cross-process sense ( like customer status).
- Service state should never creep outside the service boundary.
- Process state should ideally be maintained in infrastructure software - indeed it may form the justification for the purchase of such SOA infrastructure in an enterprise.
- Keeping process state in infrastructure and service state inside the boundary is key to creating loosely coupled, flexible architectures whilst supporting dynamic business processes.
Harry Pierson and Pratul Dublish from Microsoft have written about my earlier post about SML. Before I respond I should clarify one thing. My message was not intended as an attack on SML. I am sure is a solid piece of work. I just asked - why should we care ?
The summary of their message for me is that the specification solves real deployment related issues today and is something that Microsoft will likely use to build some tools for its technology stack and roll into future products. I did mention that I can see this being useful for some tool vendors so I won't contest that. What I don't see the value of is how this is of use as a wider industry-wide specification. Do I think it is a good idea for Microsoft to invest in developments that ease some of the deployment pain a large part of which is due to the overly complex nature of its underlying platform ? Absolutely. Do I think this is the start of an industry drive towards "Service Modeling Languages" ? Absolutely not. Does this language have a future ( or past) outside Microsoft ? I don't think so. The main reason for my scepticism is that in deployment related problems need to be tackled by platform simplification rather than by inventing tools to manage dependencies. Developments in virtualisation tools already give us enough tools to run 'what-if' deployment scenarios to a far greater degree of richness and control so the problem has other solutions as well.
On a related theme, I find is odd that Microsoft has chosen to invest in 'modeling tools and specification languages' as a means of tackling the fundamental issue of deployment complexity largely due to the difficulty in dependency management. I suspect their investment is better directed towards removing the underlying fragmentation and complexity from their OS products - this is what causes dependency hell in the first place. Modeling can help people get to grips with managing the complexity, which is laudable. But it does nothing to remove the underlying problem - Microsoft's infrastructure software ( OS, databases, code frameworks (.NET) ) should probably have a simpler way of dealing with deployment related dependencies.
I do care that Microsoft is creating tooling to help in an area that causes a lot of pain on its platform. At the same time ,I have to confess to not caring very much about the specification itself and I just don't see the drivers for industry wide adoption - and by industry wide I mean solutions built on non Microsoft stacks.
In my view this drive to create industry-standards has a tendency to get out of hand very rapidly. Just witness the utter carnage the WS-* specifications have wrought on simplicity and common sense. The combined WS-* specification suite has just exploded by people adding richness to a basic framework without actual needs for it bubbling up from the wider user community ( thus causing a reaction with a rediscovery of REST). These cycles are not uncommon in software, simple frameworks start small and then as soon as they start being associated with the dreaded phrase 'industry standard' , they rapidly proceed up their own collective posteriors and get bloated and unusable - causing a simpler, stripped down version to emerge. The cycle then repeats.
Arguably a similar thing happened on the java stack with EJBs and Spring and hibernate.
What's the summary ? I'm sure SML is an intellectually robust specification that will really help Microsoft tools behave consistently and offer some value in addressing migration and deployment related concerns on the MS platform. At this point, I just don't see this getting widespread adoption outside Microsoft.